Thank-you to all our families who were able to join us for our Winter Concert last night. All classes from Kindergarten to Grade 8 contributed to the evening of song, dance and drama. We hope you all enjoyed yourselves and look forward to welcoming you all back for our very first school-wide musical production of the Lion King Jr. in May. A special thank-you to Mr. Hunte for his tremendous efforts in putting last night's show together.
On behalf of all the staff at JLPS, we would like to wish all our community members a safe and relaxing break and look forward to continuing our shared efforts to support your child's achievement and well being in the new year.
Friday, 22 December 2017
Monday, 18 December 2017
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Monday, 11 December 2017
Winter Concert
A reminder to all JLPS families to please join us on Thursday, December 21 for our annual
Winter Concert.
All grades from Kindergarten to Grade 8 will be participating. Students are asked to be here for 6:00pm and the concert will begin at 6:30pm.
Admittance: FREE, however we will be collecting for the Vaughan Food Bank, a donation would be appreciated.
Admittance: FREE, however we will be collecting for the Vaughan Food Bank, a donation would be appreciated.
Everyone is welcome.
Thursday, 7 December 2017
Taking our learning outside!
We are pleased to share that with the support of our School Council we were able to purchase and install two new outdoor chalkboards in our Kindergarten Play Area. A significant part of our Kindergarten program is thinking beyond the classroom walls and extending our students' learning to the outdoors. These chalkboards will support our students in demonstrating their thinking, recording their observations and posting their wonderings about the world.
Thanks to our community's ongoing support for our fundraising efforts we were able to purchase these tools. JLPS is once again a leader in the Board when it comes to educational thinking and supporting student achievement and well being.
Thanks to our community's ongoing support for our fundraising efforts we were able to purchase these tools. JLPS is once again a leader in the Board when it comes to educational thinking and supporting student achievement and well being.
Friday, 1 December 2017
Pajama Day!
Today a great deal of fun and comfort was had by all who were wearing their jamies! Thank-you to all students who showed their JLPS spirit and earned a point for their House Colour Teams.
Go Lightning!
Fundraising Thank-you!
Today every child in our building had the opportunity to help prepare back packs that will be donated to 360 Kids or sorted donations that we will be giving to Mosaic Interfaith Out from the Cold. It was an amazing experience to watch our students prepare these bags. Teachers have been sharing with classes the importance and significance of our actions in helping youth who are homeless.
On behalf of the JLPS staff we would once again like to thank our community for supporting our charitable campaigns. Once again, together we all helped to raise consciousness that small acts of kindness can have an amazing impact on another.
On behalf of the JLPS staff we would once again like to thank our community for supporting our charitable campaigns. Once again, together we all helped to raise consciousness that small acts of kindness can have an amazing impact on another.
Together we learn
Together we succeed.
Together we are.
Lice Checks
On Thursday we completed our first full school lice checks. Head lice are a common problem that usually affects school-aged children and their families. They can attach to the hair of anyone's head. It doesn't matter if the hair is clean or dirty. Head lice are also found worldwide in all different places, such as in homes or schools or the country or city. And it doesn't matter how clean, dirty, or economic status of the person. Though head lice may be a nuisance, they don't cause serious illness or carry any diseases. Head lice can be treated at home.
We encourage parents to regularly check your child's hair. If head lice is found in your child's class all parents will be notified with a letter home. Our school Board follows the recommendations and protocols of York Region Public Health. If children are found with nits (eggs), parents are contacted and asked to follow the steps provided to help eliminate the possibility of the eggs becoming live. Students may remain at school. If children are found with live eggs, parents will be contacted and asked to pick up their child so that they can apply the treatment immediately. If treatment is applied that day students may return to school the next day.
While we understand that lice may be an uncomfortable occurrence that may be difficulty to hear about, it can be controlled and eliminated if parents are vigilant and everyone does their part. As a school we will continued to provide the paid service of a trained professional 3 times a year for school-wide checks. If parents bring concerns to our attention we have someone on staff who can support.
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
On behalf of the staff and students of JLPS we would like to once again thank our community for their support of our Scholastic Book Fair. Your generous efforts will enable us to purchase $1800.00 of resources for our Learning Commons. For years to come our students will have opportunities to use these resources to support their learning.
Together we learn.
Together we succeed.
Together we are.
Pajama Day
Important Dates
Cancellation of School Council Meeting
To all JLPS Community members,
Please be advised that the November 30th School Council Meeting has been cancelled and rescheduled to Thursday, January 18 at 7:00 pm.
Everyone is welcome.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Appointment of New Director
November 28, 2017
Dear Families,
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Louise Sirisko as the new Director of Education of YRDSB beginning in the new year. Louise brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from 27 years in education, most recently as Director of Special Education/Success for All Branch at the Ontario Ministry of Education.
Louise has a strong commitment to building positive relationships and working with students, families, staff and community members to advance student achievement and well-being. We look forward to welcoming her to the YRDSB and to working with her to continue creating safe, inclusive and welcoming learning and working environments for all of our students and staff.
I would also like to express our most sincere appreciation to Kathryn Wallace who supported our system over the previous six months in the Interim Director of Education role. Her leadership was outstanding during a challenging time for our Board. Kathryn Wallace’s last day will be November 30, 2017. In the interim, an Acting Director of Education will be appointed.
I want to acknowledge and thank families for their support as our Board has been experiencing this period of transition. I want to assure you that throughout this time, our focus has been and will continue to be on our students.
We look forward to welcoming Louise Sirisko to the YRDSB and to working with her to continue advancing student achievement and well-being.
Loralea Carruthers
Chair of the Board
Lost and Found
If you have not already done so can you please check our Lost and Found in the front foyer. We have many items that have not been claimed. All items still remaining by Friday, December 3rd will be donated.
Monday, 27 November 2017
Johnny Lombardi Public School
Invites you to join us for
Family Night
On Thursday, December 7, 2017 in the Gym
Arrive at 6:30 p.m. to pick up your Bingo cards. Games will begin promptly at 6:45 p.m. We will be finished by 7:45 p.m.
Bingo cards are 1 for $2.00 or 4 for $5.00
We will be selling popcorn, water and juice for $1.00 each and pizza for $2.50 at our concession stand. All proceeds raised will go towards funding various programs within the school.
Come out and enjoy an evening together with other families in our community.
Friday, 24 November 2017
Trustee Greetings
In November, about 1,000 students, staff members and
community partners came together from across the Board to form a Ring of Peace and stand together against hate,
discrimination and intolerance. The student speakers at the event shared meaningful
messages about the importance of feeling welcome, valued and respected.
At York Region District School Board, we are committed to
listening to the voices of our students and communities. We will continue
working with our school communities to ensure our schools provide safe,
welcoming and inclusive environments for everyone.
Last month, our annual Quest
conference brought together educators from across Ontario, Canada
and around the world to share, learn and discuss how to foster well-being in
schools. Some of the themes covered included equity and inclusivity, and safe
and caring environments. Johnny Lombardi P.S. was one of the schools selected to present how they worked together to build a sense of community to support well being for all.
It was a wonderful opportunity to learn more about some of
the positive things happening in our own schools and other districts. In recent
months, we have had several international visitors come to our system and
schools to learn more about the work in our system to support student
achievement and well-being, including Qatar, the Netherlands, Texas and the United
We are pleased to have these opportunities to continue
highlighting and sharing the great things happening in our schools thanks to
our outstanding students, staff members, families and community partners. Your
engagement makes a difference in our schools and I encourage you to continue
getting involved in the life of your child’s school.
As we enter the holiday season, I am once again impressed by
the generosity of our school communities and our students’ commitment to
helping others.
Best wishes to everyone for a safe and happy holiday season
and a wonderful start to 2018.
Linda Aversa
Emotional Regulation: Parent Presentation
Glenn Gould Public School Invites all parents and caregivers to join us for a free parent presentation:
A Simple Gift:
Emotional Regulation For parents of children birth
to 12 years of age
Negative emotions (e.g., anger, sadness, fear, jealousy) and the difficult behaviours that may follow (e.g. temper tantrums, whining) are normal in young children. Not learning to manage negative emotions in the early years may result in later problems.
This presentation will provide information and practical strategies to help families.
You will learn about:
What is emotional regulation
Long term implications of negative emotions
The importance of learning about your child’s unique temperament, strengths and areas of improvement
Triggers that set off emotions
The 8 principles of emotional regulation and how you can teach you child to identify and cope with their feelings
Glenn Gould Public School
675 Vellore Park Ave.,
Woodbridge L4H 0G5
Date: Wednesday December 6, 2017
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Free child minding will be available
To register please contact: Oksana Majaski, Community & Partnership Developer
or 416-568-2252
This presentation is brought to you by Glenn Gould P.S. in partnership with Blue Hills Child and Family Centre and York Region District School Board
Monday, 20 November 2017
Fun on The Run Winter Camp
FUN on the RUN is pleased to offer to all JLPS students
Winter Break Camp 2017/2018
Winter Break Camp 2017/2018
Cost: $42.00 /day per child
December 25, 2017 – January 1, 2018 - Closed
Wednesday January 3, 2018 - 7:15am - 6:00pm at JLPS
Thursday January 4, 2018 - 7:15am - 6:00pm at JLPS
Friday January 5, 2018 - 7:15am - 6:00pm at JLPS
All registrations need to go through the supervisor no later than Friday December 4, 2017
If interested please contact Antonella at: 905 265-7458
Fundscrip School Council Fundraiser
If you have not sent in your child's Fundscrip order, please do so immediately to ensure your order gets in on time. Please remember that for every gift card you order, you get the full amount in dollars and JLPS School Council receives a percentage. Thank-you for once again supporting our fundraising efforts.
School Council Fundraising Team
Sunday, 19 November 2017
Book Fair is Here!
The Scholastic Book Fair has arrived!
Next week, your child will have a chance to come and see what amazing products are available for sale this year.
Students will be able to come to the Book Fair Tuesday Nov. 21, Wednesday Nov. 22 or Thursday Nov. 24 throughout the day to make purchases.
Parents are welcome to stop by after school on Tuesday or Wednesday until 3:00pm, Thursday evening until 7:30pm or Friday morning until 10:30am.
Please fill out the ballot on the flyer your child brings home in order to have a chance to win $25 in books for both your family and the classroom!
The winner will be drawn on Thurs. Nov. 23 at 7:30pm.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the JLPS Library Learning Commons.
See you at the Fair!
Friday, 10 November 2017
Book your Parent-Teacher Interview
Families are now able to go in and book their Parent-Teacher Interview times through your Edsby account. A reminder of the email that everyone who provided an email to us will have received to direct you to do this:
Edsby has been chosen by York Region District
School Board to provide a modern way for parents and guardians to follow their
child’s progress at school, receive school updates, and much more.
You are receiving this Edsby invitation
because you are listed as a parent or guardian.
activate a new Edsby account, or to connect this student to your existing Edsby
account, please connect to this link.
This link is no longer active at this time. If you have not already set up your Edsby account please contact the office for further instructions.
This link is no longer active at this time. If you have not already set up your Edsby account please contact the office for further instructions.
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Remembrance Day Assembly
Armistice Day is on November 11 and is also known as Remembrance Day. It marks the day World War One ended, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, back in 1918. A two-minute silence is held at 11am to remember the people who have lost their lives in war or conflicts.
On Friday, November 10th at 10:10am we will be acknowledging this day with our own assembly. The JLPS community is welcome to join us for this event.
All students will be given a poppy to wear for this assembly. If you would like to send in a loonie donation, please do. All donations will be given to the Royal Canadian Legion.
On Friday, November 10th at 10:10am we will be acknowledging this day with our own assembly. The JLPS community is welcome to join us for this event.
All students will be given a poppy to wear for this assembly. If you would like to send in a loonie donation, please do. All donations will be given to the Royal Canadian Legion.
Winter Needs Drive
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The Johnny Lombardi Cares Club is a club consisting of a group of grade six, seven and eight students who are involved in organizing and promoting events at the school level, at the local community level and at the global level. We currently are working on weaving more milk mats to be sent abroad and thank you for your support and encourage you to continue to send in empty milk bags.
For our local community project this year the Johnny Lombardi Cares Club will be working with Fun On the Run Child Care to help to coordinate a Winter Needs Drive for the 360 Kids Home Base in Richmond Hill and the Mosaic Interfaith Out Of The Cold program located in different locations throughout York Region.
360° Kids serves over 3000 youth each year from all over York region with the Richmond Hill Hub operation being the centre for youth. Their mission is to help youth overcome crisis and transition to a state of safety and stability. Their vision is that every child has access to a safe home. They offer counselling programs, employment support programs, emergency housing and transition programs (
Mosaic Interfaith Out Of The Cold is an organization that coordinates shelters for the homeless within York Region. Out of the Cold is a coalition of over 50 interfaith communities in York Region. The Shelters are operated by 12 host communities (
We are asking families to participate by contributing the items listed below that are associated with your child’s grade. We want to make sure that we are able to provide the range of items that are needed by these organizations. All items donated need to be new and unopened and sized for adults. Please send the items to school with your child before Friday December 1st.
The items that are being requested by grade are:

Kindergarten: - toothbrushes/ toothpaste/ lip balms
Grade 1- socks in packages (white ankle,sport socks, warm socks)
Grade 2-brushes and combs/ Instant Oatmeal Packages (Boxes of 10)
Grade 3- shampoo/conditioner (small bottles)
Grade 4-winter hats (adult size)
Grade 5- gloves/mittens (adult size)
Grade 6- On The Go Snacks (e.g., Granola Bars, Cheese and Crackers, Tuna and Crackers, Dried Fruit)
Grade 7- Quick prep canned meals (e.g., Chef Boyardee, Individual Kraft Dinner Cups, Ramen Noodles, )
Grade 8 - Canned Meat (e.g., Tuna/ Turkey) / White T-shirts (Size Large and Extra Large)
Additional items that are needed by these organizations are long thermal underwear, laundry detergent and pasta sauce. Please feel free to send in any additional items that are not specific to your child’s grade to school with your child and these will be distributed to the organizations. Each class will assemble a backpack full of these collected items and donated on behalf of the JLPS community.
With thanks in advance for your support,
The Johnny Lombardi Cares Club (Ms. Romanelli)
Fun On The Run Child Care (Patricia Thompson)
Edsby: Parent-Teacher Interviews
Dear Families,
Starting this fall, the York District School Board is introducing Edsby, a new engagement platform tool for our students and families.
Edsby provides many opportunities for you to access information from your child’s school. Edsby also allows online scheduling of student-led conferences for our parent-teacher interviews with your child’s teachers, keeping details and information safe and secure.
We will be using Edsby at Johnny Lombardi P.S. this year to schedule our student-led conferences for our parent-teacher interviews. In order for families to access Edsby, a valid email address is required.
If you have not yet provided us with your email address or your email has recently changed, please contact the office to share this information.
As of today, parents must go in to the site and set up your Edsby account. Each family that supplied an email address was sent an invitation today with a link to do this, it must be done by November 9th. On November 10th the interview schedule will be open and parents can go in and select their own times to meet.
We are very excited about this new opportunity to connect with families. For more information on Edsby, visit the Edsby website at Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Friday, 3 November 2017
OHIP+: Children and Youth Pharmacare
The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is releasing
additional resources ahead of the January 1, 2018, launch of OHIP+: Children
and Youth Pharmacare.
On the ministry’s website (, information regarding the government's new care program can be found.
Through this program, Ontarians aged 24
years and younger, who are OHIP insured, regardless of their family income,
will be eligible for over 4,400 medications and drug products at no cost.
Thursday, 2 November 2017
JLPS Cares Team: Our Efforts Matter
Recently we received a message and photos from the Coordinator of the organization we work with to help distribute the milk mats we made last year and the school supplies we collected. With a sense of pride I share this with the school community. What a positive way to show how our collective efforts are having a huge impact across the world in Nicaragua, where it is needed.
As always, thank you for your continued support as we work together to help your children see how small acts of kindness mean so much.
" Dear Mrs. Romanelli,
I thought you might like to see some photos of the kids using your school supplies . Today was day one of making mats. The kids did colouring and crafts in the morning while the women wove mats and sewed. Then in the afternoon the kids came to mat making. They were so cute. Just like in Canada they took over the frame and finished the mat.
We make more mats tomorrow. Kids will be colouring and using your books and markers again."
As always, thank you for your continued support as we work together to help your children see how small acts of kindness mean so much.
" Dear Mrs. Romanelli,
I thought you might like to see some photos of the kids using your school supplies . Today was day one of making mats. The kids did colouring and crafts in the morning while the women wove mats and sewed. Then in the afternoon the kids came to mat making. They were so cute. Just like in Canada they took over the frame and finished the mat.
We make more mats tomorrow. Kids will be colouring and using your books and markers again."
Message from Public Health
Flu Season is on its way – are you ready?
Flu season is nearly here. Be prepared by getting the flu shot as early as possible. The first and best step to preventing influenza (the flu), is to get the flu shot every year. Influenza spreads quickly and easily from an infected person to others. Everyone six months of age and older can get the flu shot. Flu shots are available at:
• Health care provider’s offices for people six months of age and older
• Participating pharmacies, for people five years of age and older
Visit: to find where you can get the flu shot.
How can the flu be avoided?
• Get the flu shot!
• Wash your hands well and often with soap and warm water. If soap and water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and throw the tissue out immediately. Wash your hands afterward. Cough into your upper sleeve if you don’t have a tissue.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
• Avoid large crowds and stay home when you are sick
• Keep common surfaces and items clean and disinfected
To learn more about flu and the flu vaccine visit:
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Get Active with your children!
Just a reminder that families are welcome to come out and enjoy an evening of fun and be active with our next two ZUMBA events. All are welcome on November 10 and 17th. Please contact the main office if you need more information.
JLPS Spirit
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