On February 14 the whole school will be participating in a dance-a-thon. Not only is dancing part of our Ontario Curriculum, but it is a great way for students to build friendships and develop positive self esteem. All students received a dance-a-thon pledge form. if you would like to support the school in purchasing additional resources, please sponsor your child or extend to family/friends. Regardless of pledges all students will participate.
For each $5.00 that students raise they will receive a ticket that they can place in a prize box for the possibility of winning a prize of their choosing. Prizes include, gift cards, books, games and sports equipment. All prizes have been donated by staff at JLPS and from some of our community members. If you would like to donate a prize, please bring it to the office.
As always, thank-you for your continued support in building Johnny Lombardi PS.
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Friday, 27 January 2017
Good Luck and Welcome!

We would like to welcome Mrs. Greene who will be here for us while Mrs Fernandez is on her leave. Our students are familiar with Mrs. Greene as she has been here many times as a supply teacher.
Thursday, 26 January 2017
York Region District School Board School Climate Survey for Students
Students in Grades 5 to 12 at the York Region
District School Board will be invited to participate in a survey between March
20 and April 28, 2017. The survey is voluntary,
anonymous and confidential, and will take place at school.
The YRDSB survey fulfills the Ontario Ministry of
Education’s requirement for schools to conduct student surveys and is aligned
with the YRDSB’s Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well-Being.
Survey questions will address topics related to Math, Modern Learning, Mental
Health and Well-Being, Equity and School Safety.
This survey provides an opportunity to hear directly
from students and the results will be used to identify student needs and plan
strategies to support student achievement and well-being. If you have
questions, please contact the school office.
If you do not wish your child(ren) to
participate in the survey, please contact the school by March 10, 2017.
Wednesday, 25 January 2017
Message from our Trustee
We are now halfway through the school year. This is a good time to reflect on all that
your child has learned and to look at setting goals for the rest of the school
Our Board believes that student well-being and achievement
go hand-in-hand. One of our goals set
out in the Board
of Trustees’ Multi-Year Plan is to “continuously increase student
achievement and well-being through a culture of caring and learning.”
The Ministry of Education has recently identified four priorities for
well-being: positive mental health, safe and accepting schools, healthy
schools, and equity and inclusive education.
As a Board of Trustees, we will continue to further work in all of these
areas to support student well-being in line with these priorities.
There are many resources on the Board website to help
support student well-being, including tips for talking
about mental health, managing
stress, packing
healthy lunches and addressing
incidents of bullying.
Creating a healthy, safe and welcoming learning environment
is key to helping our students reach their full potential. All of us have an important role to play in
creating an environment that enables our students to thrive.
I wish you all the best for a healthy, happy and successful
Linda Aversa
Mindfulness Moment
Do you ever wonder why some situations make us “lose our cool?” Our heart beats faster, we feel like crying or we get butterflies in our stomach, even if we our prepared for certain stressful situations. The brain is wired to respond to stress as if something were immediately threatening. Yet, we can actually train our brains to respond in a calmer manner. Today at JLPS we started our Mindfulness Moments with the whole school. All students and staff from Kindergarten to Grade 8, stopped, chose a relaxing pose and while soft music played in the background, took two moments to practice relaxing breathing. The response was amazing, a calmness spread throughout the building. We will continue to support all students to be physically and mentally healthy through various practices throughout the year. Please speak to your child about today, and perhaps they can show you their relaxing breathing technique for you to try at home.
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Eco Events: Let's do them together!
Our very dedicated JLPS Eco Team, made up of students and staff who inspire us to do our part to help keep our Earth healthy, to raise awareness on how our actions can make a difference and how our footprint is long lasting, would like our community to know of the following two events they have planned:
Wednesday February 1: Wednesday, February 1, 2017 is
Winter Walk Day across Canada. Walk to school for daily physical
activity, a healthier environment, safer streets, making friends and ... having
Thursday February 2: National Sweater Day is a fun way to
learn about the importance of saving energy and to inspire you to use less heat
all winter. We will turn down our heat at school and we encourage everybody to dress warmly in a sweater on this day.
*All students who participate by either walking to school or wearing a sweater will earn a point for their Colour House Team.*
Please support our events by having your child participate. Everyone wins when we help the Earth.
Congratulations to the Junior Volleyball team for an incredible first season. They performed amazingly in yesterday's round robin tournament, finishing in first place. They struck hard and struck fast! Unfortunately, they came up a little short in the final game. Finishing a very respectable second place in the Areas. Coaches Mr. Shulman and Mr. Parfeniuk are very proud of their accomplishments and growth and are looking forward to next year.
Go, Lightning!
Go, Lightning!
We have received a donation from Lisa Valentini, Branch Manager for TD Canada Trust in Vaughan, that will go towards our Kindergarten Area Play Structure Fund. Thank-you so much for your generous donation.
Friday, 20 January 2017
Twin Day!
On Friday, January 27 JLPS will be having our next Colour House Team Challenge......it will be Twins Day.
Students are asked to find a friend from either their class or another one or even siblings from different grades and dress as twins. They can even join with two friends and dress as triplets! Partners do not have to be from the same House Colour and both students will earn a point for whatever colour team they are part of. Staff will also be participating. If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher.
Go Lightning, Go!
Monday, 16 January 2017
Dates Reminder
Please be reminded of the following up and coming events:
School Council Meeting
Our next School Council Meeting will take place on Thursday, January 19th at 7:00 pm in the school library. All parents/guardians are welcome.
Kindergarten Registration for 2016-17
Kindergarten Registration for children born 2013 will begin on Friday, January 20. Parents/guardians are asked to please pick up a registration package at the office if they cannot come in on this date to register. If your student is presently enrolled at Johnny Lombardi no need to do anything for next year. Please share with anyone you feel may need this information.
Professional Activity Days
Friday, January 20 and Friday, February 3 are both PA Days. There is no school on these days.
Please be reminded of the following up and coming events:
School Council Meeting
Our next School Council Meeting will take place on Thursday, January 19th at 7:00 pm in the school library. All parents/guardians are welcome.
Kindergarten Registration for 2016-17
Kindergarten Registration for children born 2013 will begin on Friday, January 20. Parents/guardians are asked to please pick up a registration package at the office if they cannot come in on this date to register. If your student is presently enrolled at Johnny Lombardi no need to do anything for next year. Please share with anyone you feel may need this information.
Professional Activity Days
Friday, January 20 and Friday, February 3 are both PA Days. There is no school on these days.
Friday, 13 January 2017
Lunch Programs
Please be aware that all lunch programs: pizza, milk, Mr. Sub, Villa Panini and Hot Dog ended as of December 23. A new set of order forms were sent out and due back in December for the January to June period. If you have not already done so and would like to place your child's order, please contact the office and we will send home new order forms.
Many students were without lunches this week as parents thought the lunch programs continued from December. If you are not sure if you have paid, please contact the office and we can help you out.
Please be aware that all lunch programs: pizza, milk, Mr. Sub, Villa Panini and Hot Dog ended as of December 23. A new set of order forms were sent out and due back in December for the January to June period. If you have not already done so and would like to place your child's order, please contact the office and we will send home new order forms.
Many students were without lunches this week as parents thought the lunch programs continued from December. If you are not sure if you have paid, please contact the office and we can help you out.
Thursday, 12 January 2017
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