Friday, 31 March 2017

Autism Awareness Month

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder, refers to a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication, as well as by unique strengths and differences. We now know that there is not one autism but many types, caused by different combinations of genetic and environmental influences. On Tuesday, April 4, JLPS will be lighting up in blue to help bring awareness to this disorder that affects 1 in 68 children. Students are asked to wear blue to earn a point for their house team. Our Primary Autism class will be selling cupcakes for $1.00. Funds raised will go to purchasing additional resources for our classroom. 
Thank-you for your continued support.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Official Opening

On behalf of the staff of Johnny Lombardi P.S. and the York Region District School Board we are pleased to announce that our official school opening will be on 
Wednesday, April 12th from 12:50- 2:00pm.  If you would like to join us for this presentation please contact the office.
Our ceremony will include greetings from our local Trustee and YRDSB Director, presentations from our students and various speeches from our Special Guest Speakers. The same day from 6:30-7:30pm the school will be open for our community to walk through to see the amazing work our students and staff put into this event plus a video presentation of the afternoon events. Families are welcome to drop in during this time with their children.
 Light refreshments will be served. 
Everyone is welcome!

Friday, 10 March 2017

Enjoy your Winter Break!

On behalf of all the staff at 
Johnny Lombardi PS we would like to wish all our families a restful and enjoyable 
Winter Break.
School resumes Monday, March 20th!

Camp Information

Grade Eight Overnight Trip to Lake St. George Conservation Centre

Accompanied by Mr. Meagher, Mrs Denney-Falsetta and Mrs. Angellotti our Grade 8s travelled to Lake St. George Conservation Centre in Stoufville for a three day and two nights overnight trip. Students fine-tuned some of their wilderness survival, geo-cashing and nature photography skills. They took part in owling and building shelter activities as well as learning how to protect some of Ontario's wildlife species as part of the Grade 8 Curriculum. Students also had an opportunity to  manage their own living responsibilities by preparing their own food, cleaning their rooms, and limiting their environmental footprint. This has been a very memorable experience for our students, who expressed their thanks and praise for the opportunity on their return.
We would like to thank Mrs. Denney-Falsetta and Mr. Meagher for  giving so generously of their time so that our students could attend, for many, their first overnight trip.

Happy Green Day!

Thank-you to all students who earned points for their House Colour Team today by wearing green! We had many interesting green combinations! Special notice goes to Mr. Pereira's class for having the best headgear and glasses!

Skills Canada Success!

Over the past week, some of our Grade 7 & 8 students had the opportunity to participate in the annual York Region Skills Challenge. This competition focuses on solving 21st century problems using technology and construction materials in coming up with innovative designs and ideas. Through their creativity, determination and teamwork, our Johnny Lombardi students performed extremely well, placing near top in most of the contests. Students competed in Construction Design, TV/Video Production and Character Animation.  Our Character animation team finished second place and the TV/Video production team finished first, qualifying them to advance to the next round which is to be held in Toronto in April. We are proud of their accomplishments and wish them well in the next round. Congratulations go to the following students for making us all very proud: Grade 7- Aathish, Vishal, Adshaya, Sophia, Vaani, Veronica, Harry and Rayan and in  Grade 8- Brandon, Bradley, Denilen, Kainat, Frazia, and Rateeba. Thank-you to Mr. Meagher and Mr. Pereira for supporting and inspiring our students.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is an international event usually held on the last Saturday of March between 8:30 p.m to 9:30 pm. During this hour, people around the world turn off their lights in support of addressing climate change.

At Johnny Lombardi P.S. , we will be participating in Earth Hour on Friday, March 24 by powering down and turning off or unplugging all non-essential lights, computers, and other electrical devices. During this hour, students will have the opportunity to participate in various activities such as outdoor hike, recycled crafts, storytelling, environmental festival, etc, to learn about the importance of reducing our use of electricity. Through learning and action, we can make a difference for our planet.

In addition to our school Earth Hour event, we encourage students to take this message home and as a family, participate in Earth Hour on Saturday, March 25 from 8:30 to 9:30. Some activities you could do include: stargazing, board games by candlelight, watching an eco-themed film, or make a family pledge to commit to protecting the environment. By reducing and conserving our energy use we are helping to reduce the amount of air pollution in Ontario caused by the burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity. In fact, the air quality in Ontario has improved in recent years because of these types of actions.

We look forward to hearing about all the creative ways your family participates in Earth Hour! Photos are welcome! Please send to our school email: Thanks for your support in this worldwide movement to raise awareness about climate change and protect our planet!

Environmentally yours,

The EcoTeam

Friday, 3 March 2017

Lost and Found

Our Lost and Found Bin is running over! Please have your child check if they are missing, boots, coats, sweaters, shoes, hats, mitts or pants. We have many in the Lost and Found. All unclaimed items will be donated to charity as of March 10th.

Family Math Literacy Night

Family Math Literacy Night!
Thank-you to all families who were able to join us for our very first Math Night. Both children and parents had an opportunity to get right into a typical math opportunity that our teachers provide for their students on a daily basis. Whether we were making Rek n Reks or learning how to add using playing cards, or playing Battleship with legos or patterning with beads. All parents had an opportunity to "learn and play' right along side their children; demonstrating on how we support children to persevere in solving problems while collaborating with peers. Every family left with a "goodie bag" of games and activities that they could use at home to strengthen math concepts with their children. Remember we are all mathematicians! 

Trustee Greetings

With spring approaching and the hours of daylight increasing, now is a good time to enjoy the outdoors and our natural environment. Did you know that our Board has five outdoor education centres, and students have opportunities to visit them and other outdoor learning spaces throughout their schooling? This is part of our commitment to giving students an opportunity to learn in and about the natural world. This learning supports students in gaining a deeper appreciation for nature and the importance of environmental sustainability.  
 “Modelling continuous environmental sustainability” is one of the goals outlined in our Board of Trustees’ Multi-Year Plan. We believe that we all have a role to play in reducing waste and protecting our environment. Our students, staff members and families continue to show leadership when it comes to supporting student learning and initiatives to reduce our ecological footprint.

Spending time outside as a family also provides a great opportunity to support and enhance your child’s learning outside of school. Whether visiting a park or museum, reading with your child in your home language or asking questions about their day at school - know that there are many ways you can support their education and that you are making a difference.

I hope you all have a happy and safe March Break and enjoy the warmer weather ahead.

Linda Aversa 

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Together we can make a difference

As part of our continuous efforts to build understanding that no matter how small, we all can make a difference in helping to make someone's life better, the students of JLPS have been busy cutting and creating sleeping mats out of the milk bags brought in by our community.  The process is well underway under the leadership of Ms. Romanelli and the Johnny Lombardi Cares Team.
We would like to thank the Bjelic, Minichillo and Angellotti Families for their donation of wood that was used by the students from Tommy Douglas to create the frames needed to weave the bags. Together we are building community relationships and helping to make a difference in the world.

Family Math Literacy Night

Just a reminder to all families of our Family Math Literacy Night on Thursday, March 2 from 6:30- 8:00 pm. Please join us for an opportunity to learn more about what math looks like in our schools today, how your child's teacher is supporting the development of the math skills all children will need and how you can be a part of that learning and support.
All families who attend will receive a take-away bag full of useful resources and manipulatives to use at home.