Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Donations for Maple's Closet

Donations for Maple’s Closet
Maple High School is proud to be hosting the 12th annual Maple’s Closet Diva and GQ Balls events in the spring of 2018.  Maple’s Closet has helped provide graduation attire to over 550 grade 8 and 12 students. 

Our objective is to provide a graduation dress, suit and accessories to every York Region student in need.

We accept donations of gently used formal wear and accessories for the event.  We are in need of the following items:
-         Prom / Graduation dresses               -   Shoes (Men and Women)
-         Purses / Clutches                                  -   Toiletry / Make-Up bags
-         Jewelry                                                    -   Suits (Boys and Men)
-         Dress pants                                            -   Shirts
-         Ties                                                           -   Belts

Each guest receives a takeaway package as a thank you for his / her participation.  To support us with this we also accept donations of unused:
-         make-up                                                  -   nail polish
-         men’s socks                                            -   toiletries
    (combs, soap, brushes, etc.)

To make a donation please contact Maria Luongo-Cassar @

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

MP Family Skate

Winter Actvities

Each student in grades 1 to 8 received a form outlining our February Winter Activities. Each student must return their form with their selection of activities.  Please be reminded that these activities support our Physical Education and Healthy Living curriculum. There is a variety of activities and costs. Please fill out the form with your child and return it to your child's teacher by Friday, February 2. If you require an additional form, please have your child ask their teacher.

Thank-you for your support.

Winter Walk Day

Winter Walk Day
The Eco Team and Healthy Schools are joining forces to bring
Winter Walk Day to JLPS on Wednesday February 7th, 2018!
This is the perfect opportunity for parents and kids to get outside together and
stretch those legs! Walking to school in winter has many potential benefits,
including benefits for your child’s health and well-being (like opportunities to
learn and socialize on the way to school, and arriving to school alert and
ready to learn), our community (reduced traffic congestion around the school)
and the environment, too.
Here are some ideas for incorporating more walking on February 7th:
  • If you can walk safely to school, wrap up warm, leave the car at home and travel to school foot with your friends. If you live too far to walk the whole way, try getting dropped off at a friend’s house or a few blocks away from the school so you can walk the last little bit. If your child takes the school bus, encourage them to go on a winter walk in the school yard.

Keep active this winter! Grab your mittens, hats and
boots and be a part of this fun winter event!


Monday, 22 January 2018

Movie Night!

Movie Night
JLPS Grade Eight Graduation Committee presents:

Friday, January 26th
6:30- 8:00pm
Admission is FREE
Popcorn, Pizza and drinks will be sold

*All profits raised will go to support this year’s

Grade 8 Graduation

Message from our Trustee

With report cards coming home, this is a good time of year to review your child’s progress and to set goals for the rest of the school year.

As trustees, our goals are set out in the Board Multi-Year Plan. In the coming months, trustees will be reviewing and updating this plan. This process will include opportunities for public input, and trustees will be out in the communities talking about this. More information will be shared about this in the spring.  

Developing and reviewing the Multi-Year Plan is just one of our responsibilities as publicly elected officials. Trustee responsibilities also include hiring the Director of Education, setting Board policies and the annual budget, and communicating with the public.

This is a good time to learn more about the role of trustees with the next municipal election taking place later this year on October 22, 2018. York Region District School Board has 12 trustees, elected by ratepayers. As a trustee, listening and communicating with families is an important part of my role. Students, families and members of the public are welcome to attend and observe any public Board, Advisory or Board Committee meetings and to share their views with us on policy and Board governance.  

As we move into the second half of the year, I hope that you are seeing evidence of your child’s learning and progress, and finding opportunities to get involved in their learning and the life of the school.

I wish you all the best for a successful second term.

Linda Aversa

Friday, 12 January 2018

Introducing Online Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration for September 2018 begins
January 19.

This year, our school is excited to introduce online registration for Kindergarten. We are one of a small number of schools in the Board piloting this new, optional process.

If you, or someone you know, is registering a child for Kindergarten at our school, you can access the online registration information at Please note that for this pilot, a laptop or desktop computer is strongly recommended, rather than a mobile device.

Families are still welcome to register in person in the school office.

Monday, 8 January 2018

Parenting Seminar

Parenting Seminar

Parenting Seminar

Kindergarten Registration for 2018

For those families with children born in 2014, Kindergarten Registration will begin January 19.  This year families will be able to register online through their EDsby Account.  More information to follow.

French Immersion Information

For those  Kindergarten families wishing more information on the French Immersion Program offered in our area for September 2018 please note the following:

French Immersion Information Evening 

at Lorna Jackson P.S.

589 Napa Valley Ave, Woodbridge

Thursday January 18, 2018, 7 -8 p.m.