Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Math Literacy Night

On Thursday March 2nd from 6:30-8:00 pm all families are invited to join us for a fun, engaging and informational evening on Mathematics at JLPS. This will be an informative presentation to help parents/guardians understand some of the current thinking in mathematics and how the staff at Johnny Lombardi is working with their students to develop their life-long mathematical skills. 
Parents/guardians will also have an opportunity to hear directly from Primary, Junior and Intermediate teachers and see firsthand what math looks like in our classes today; including seeing some of the tools teachers are using and how parents/guardians can support their children at home.
Each family will receive math tools for attending.
We encourage all families to attend this very worthwhile evening.  If you have children in more than one division you will have an opportunity to hear from more than one teacher.

A note will be coming home today, please return the bottom portion by Friday, February 24th, 2017 to let us know of your intention to attend.