Friday, 29 June 2018

Happy Summer!

Thank-you to all our families for another amazing year. Together we have supported the growth of your children in all areas.  The staff of JLPS feel privileged to have had this opportunity. As we continued to focus on improving student achievement and well being, the dedicated staff at JLPS built strong relationships with your child, providing for them an enriching and challenging curriculum. We are committed at JLPS to ensuring that all our students are part of a supportive environment and our community partners supported this through your willingness to support all our activities including, BINGO and Movie Nights, Snowflake Dance-at-thon, Spring Baskets and various other fundraising activities.  Your help has ensured that your child has current technology and literacy resources in their class each day.

As this year comes to a close we will be seeing a great deal of change in our student numbers, welcoming many new families to our community. We also have had some staff changes. Mr. Pereira is moving on to another school as he continues to build his professional capacity leading towards a position as an Administrator one day soon. We said good-bye also to Ms. Di Nardo and Ms. Mann who were here while two other of our JLPS staff were on Maternity Leave.

We would like to welcome back Mrs. Minichillo and Mrs. Pereira (nee Colussi) from their Maternity Leave and the following new staff: Mrs. Crimi, Mrs. Wong, Mrs. Tzakas, Mrs. Zenardo, Mrs. Soustos, Mr. Burge and Mrs. Lorusso.Further, I am happy to announce that Mrs. Melanie Seigel will be our new Vice Principal. She will be shared between Teston Village and ourselves. Our JLPS family keeps growing!

On behalf of the staff and students of JLPS we wish all our families a safe and happy summer and we will see you all back on Tuesday, September 4, 2018.

Congratulations to our graduating class of 2018!

End of Year Letter from our Director

Monday, 11 June 2018

Movie Night!

Just a reminder of our last community event on Thursday, June 14, Movie Night!

A Wrinkle in Time will be shown starting at 6:30pm.
Admittance is free!
Popcorn, juice, water and pizza will be sold.
Everyone is welcome.
Proceeds go to support Grade 8 Graduation.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Our Chicks have hatched!

Our Kindergarten students have had some fun, furry, yellow visitors at our school this week! Our eggs from Green Acres farm have finally hatched! As of this morning, we have 11 baby chicks! Students in all grades have been visiting the chicks all day and we are loving the excitement! There is a video camera on the chicks 24/7, so you can watch them from home!
Please go to the following link:
Simply click on our school name (Johnny Lombardi PS) to watch the live video stream of our chicks in their brooder box! 

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Bike Success

Thank-you to all our families who supported our Bike Week Campaign!
Each day the amount of students riding bikes or scooters increased.  Let's see if we can continue to help the planet and increase our physical activity by continuing with this commitment for the rest of the school year! 
Thank-you to Ms. Wolfstadt for tracking our progress and helping to organize this event!

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Early Release Day

All schools in the York Region District School Board are committed to improving student achievement and well-being.  On Thursday, June 28, 2018, an early release day will take place to allow elementary teachers and support staff to take part in meetings during the afternoon of that day.  These meetings will allow for school staff to engage in culminating activities regarding the review and revision of the School’s Improvement Plan as well as year-end and transition activities that support student success. 

As has been our practice in the past, students will attend school during the morning of Thursday, June 28, 2018 only.  Students will be dismissed early that day at 11:00am.  Arrangements will be made to ensure that students who are normally bused to and from school will receive transportation at this time.  Parents/guardians whose children attend after school child care should make appropriate arrangements to address this change in schedule.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Letter from our Director

May 24, 2018

Dear YRDSB Families,

As you may be aware, season two of the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why became
available on Netflix May 18, 2018. As you may recall from our letter last spring, the
series deals with the difficult topic of suicide and other complex issues. Season one
outlined the story of a 17-year-old girl who dies by suicide. She leaves behind
cassette tapes for 13 people whose actions she perceived as reasons why she killed
herself. Season two explores several other difficult topics including self-harm/cutting,
bullying, struggles with identity, sexual assault, gun violence and more, which may
be emotionally triggering for vulnerable students.

Although the creators of the series indicate the intent of the show is to help students
recognize their effect on others, it does not present viable alternatives to suicide, or
have a strong focus on seeking help. There are many negative portrayals of adults
and seeking help within the series. This is not a helpful message for youth.

Series like 13 Reasons Why may promote myths and misinformation about suicide.
We hope the information in this letter will help you have open conversations with
your child. Discussing important but difficult topics with your child lets them know
you are open to talking about these subjects. This may make it more likely they
will talk to you if they have any concerns/challenges. If young people do not feel
they can talk to adults about these subjects, they are likely to seek advice on the
internet or from friends, or worse may not talk to anyone.

You may wish to ask your child if they have heard of or seen this series.
If your child has not already watched the series but would like to, review it
first yourself. Consider watching it together rather than having them watch it
alone. This will help you to know how your child is affected by the content.
While many youths know the difference between a TV drama and real life,
talking with adults about this subject is very important. Adults can help share
the message that suicide is not a solution to problems and help is available.
You can help your child process their feelings and answer questions about the
issues in the series. This is particularly important if you feel your child is isolated,
struggling or vulnerable.

The following suggestions may help with the conversation:  Remind them that
the series is fictional. Share that it is normal to experience periods of stress and
distress. Offer healthy coping strategies, such as. exercise, art, journaling, talking
to friends and adults they trust.  Let them know that there are adults at school who
care and can help. Talk about where to seek support if they need it from family
members, counsellors, coaches, teachers, faith leaders, a crisis line like
Kids Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868.  Talk openly about emotional distress and suicide.
Doing so in a fact-based manner does not increase suicide risk (see tips below).
If you have concerns about your child’s mental health, see your family physician
and/or share your concerns with the school.  If the concern is more urgent, you may
call York Region’s Crisis Response Service, 1-855- 310-COPE (2673), the
Mental Health Helpline 1-866-531-2600, or take your child to a hospital emergency
department. If there is an emergency call 911.

***If you do not want your child to watch this show, Netflix has some resources to
help parents. They offer a parental control you can apply individually to this series i
n the form of a PIN number. You can assign a unique code for both seasons of
“13 Reasons Why.” You can set this in the account section of your Netflix account.
As family members it can be difficult to know if a loved one is struggling with thoughts of suicide.

The information below offers several important considerations.
Possible signs someone may be having thoughts of suicide:  
- Suicide threats, both direct (“I am going to kill myself.” “I need life to stop.”), and
indirect (“I need it to stop.” “I wish I could fall asleep and never wake up.”). Threats
can be verbal or written and are often found in online postings (Instagram, Facebook)  
- Preoccupation with death in conversation, writing, drawing and social media  
- Changes in behavior, appearance/hygiene, sleep habits, thoughts and/or feelings.

This can include someone who is typically sad who suddenly becomes extremely happy.  
- Emotional distress.  
- Withdrawing from friends and family

Trust yourself as a parent/guardian. If you feel something is not right with your child or
notice any of the signs above, do not hesitate to ask directly about thoughts of suicide.
This may be a tough conversation to have, but sends a message that you are open to
talking about suicide and increases the chances your child will seek help.

That might sound like, “Sometimes when people are under stress, having trouble with
friends, and worrying a lot, they have thoughts of suicide. Are you having thoughts of suicide?”

Help is Available:
Many staff members in York Region District School Board are trained in suicide
intervention and want to help. If you have concerns about your child’s mental health,
or need additional resources, please talk to your family doctor or contact your child’s
school. Our staff members are committed to supporting the well-being of every YRDSB
learner and can help to connect you with resources for support.

To learn more about safely talking about suicide, consider taking suicide intervention
training. Find out more at


Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Bike to School Week!

Next week (May 28-June 1) is BIKE TO SCHOOL WEEK!
Students are encouraged to bike or walk to school next week. A representative for the Healthy Schools Team will be standing at the bike rack every morning next week to keep track of those who bike to school, and we will also be giving away prizes (lights, valves, bells, stickers). We hope to see you biking to school next week and getting in your daily exercise!

Thursday, 17 May 2018


Johnny Lombardi Public School
Invites you to join us for

On Thursday, May 24 in the Gym
Arrive at 6:30 p.m. to pick up your Bingo cards.  
Games will begin promptly at 6:45 p.m.  
We will be finished by 7:45 p.m.

Bingo cards are 1 for $2.00 or 4 for $5.00
Many prizes for all!
We will be selling popcorn, water and juice for $1.00 each and pizza for $2.50 at our concession stand.  
All proceeds raised will go towards funding various programs within the school.
Tuesday, May 22nd.

Come out and enjoy an evening together with other families in our community.

Please print how many will be in attendance (including adults):

Number Attending____
YOUNGEST STUDENT’S NAME                  
TEACHER’S NAME                                 

Important Dates

A reminder of some important dates:

May 21: Victoria Day- no school
May 23: Track and Field Day- grades 4 to 8
May 24: Wellness Day and 
                                BINGO Night- 6:30 pm

June 1: 3 km Lightning Run -grade 6 and 5 km Lightning Run-grades 7 and 8- 1:00 pm
June 4: PA Day- no school
June 7: School Council Meeting- 7:00 pm
June 18: Primary Play Day- Kindergarten to grade 3
June 27: Optimism Assembly and Talent Show- 8:15 am
June 28: Last Day of School- Early Dismissal- 11:00 am

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Premier Award for Accepting Schools

The Premier's Awards for Accepting Schools recognize those teams across the province that have done exceptional and innovative work in creating a safe, inclusive and accepting school environment. This award recognizes schools that have demonstrated initiative, creativity and leadership in promoting a safe, inclusive and accepting school climate. We are very pleased to announce that JLPS was once again recognized for its work in supporting our students well being through our efforts to create a sense of belonging and has been awarded the Premier's Award for Accepting Schools!

Today the Ministry of Education released this information on our school:

When Johnny Lombardi Public School opened in April 2016, it brought 400 students, their families, and staff together to build a school culture that aimed to honour and respect all voices. Students came to the school from four feeder schools and a new local development, and included staff from a wide range of backgrounds and schools. The school worked to build relationships between people and develop an inclusive environment where everyone felt welcomed and valued. A grand opening was the first of many steps in building that new culture, along with activities that include:
  • Students Advocating For Equity (S.A.F.E.): The S.A.F.E. team is made up of students and staff dedicated to promoting and developing a safe and inclusive environment, where all students, staff and families have a voice that is valued and respected. The goal is to support student well-being and learning, with a shared vision of positivity, inclusivity and equity. The team implements initiatives that affect the entire school, including Bullying Awareness Week, Pink Shirt Day and Purple Day.
  • Fostering Inclusive Learning Environments: The school offers a variety of professional and student resources to encourage learning about different cultures, mindfulness and mental health. These resources are used to address mental health issues and encourage discussion. They contribute to better understanding of mental illness and help reduce stigma. School-wide “Mindful Moments” are held daily, where students and staff stop and listen to calming music, a thoughtful poem or an inspiring quote.
  • Fostering a Sense of Belonging: The school yard is home to a “Buddy Bench,” which supports students who are lonely, and fosters friendship and inclusion. A conflict resolution circle addresses conflicts and explores ways to help students solve problems. Students are trained by the public health nurse to take a leadership role at recess and support younger students. Students in the Johnny Cares Club donate food and clothing to local charities.
Parent participation at Johnny Lombardi is strong and clearly demonstrates a sense of community. A school climate survey showed very high levels of respect for diversity and feelings of safety at school.

Once again, thank-you to the whole JLPS community for their ongoing support and helping to make JLPS an amazing place.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Tamil Awards

On Monday, April 30th Mr. Pereira and Mrs. Angellotti were pleased to take part in the annual Uukkamathu Kaividale Awards which celebrates the accomplishments of Students of Tamil Heritage in YRDSB.

JLPS is proud to share that four of our students were honoured for their perseverance and accomplishments in the following areas:

Sinthu Anpalagan: Academics
Adshaya Pakeerathan: Arts
Tharun Jeyabalasundaram: Citizenship
Vaani Thavalingam: Citizenship

Friday, 27 April 2018

Yogurt Day!

Today we were able to share with our students free yogurt. As part of our continued efforts to support healthy living, members of our student-led wellness team handed out yogurt to students. We continuously look for grants or donations that enable us to purchase healthy snacks to share with our students.

Thursday, 26 April 2018


On Wednesday, April 25 the Character Community Foundation of York Region held their annual Character Community Awards.  These awards recognize individuals, teams, schools and organizations for their commitment to developing success and building caring and inclusive communities.  We are very proud to announce that Johnny Lombardi Public School was awarded the School of Character Award for our work in developing a sustained character development initiative that positively impacts the climate and culture of our school and community.  As you know, under the direction of our student-led Johnny Lombardi Cares Team, the school has been involved in multiple initiatives that support the community locally and beyond.  With our Milk Bags initiative, weaved bags were converted into mats and then donated around the world, providing sleeping comforts for many families. Our school's partnership with  360 Kids and the Mosaic Interfaith Out from the Cold allowed for donations of items  to be placed in individual knapsacks and then distributed to Toronto homeless youth.  Furthermore, working with Operation Smile the school spearheaded multiple fundraisers, making it possible for four children to receive life-changing surgery. Johnny Lombardi P.S. is indeed a school of Character everyday! 
Thank-you to our community for their ongoing support as we continue each day to guide our students to find their voice and place in the world.

Together we learn.
Together we succeed.
Together we are.

Go Lightning!

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Pause to Play

April 30 to May 4 is Pause to PLAY week. The Pause to PLAY challenge encourages students to put their TV’s, gaming devices, tablets, cell phones, and computers on pause for one full week and become more physically active through play.   In partnership with York Region Public Health, many YRDSB classrooms will be participating this year.  Students can also participate with families at home! 
At JLPS staff will be supporting this challenge with additional active time for our students. We encourage all our families to give this challenge a chance at home. Try going for a nightly walk with your family, instead of turning the TV on after dinner go to the park together or instead of having your children watch TV when they get home from, invite them to use their bike or scooter or just play outside.  The ideas are numerous.

The Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that Canadian children aged 5–17 accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity each day. The Canadian Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines state that those same children should spend no more than two hours of screen time per day. According to the recent ParticipACTION report (2016):
  • Only 9 per cent of Canadian kids aged 5–17 meet the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines
  • Only 24 per cent of 5–17 year olds in Canada meet this Canadian Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines 
  • The average 5–17 year old Canadian spends 8.5 hours being sedentary each day
Exercise that gets your heart rate up has many health benefits. Being active for at least 60 minutes daily can help children:

  • Improve their health and do better in school, improve their fitness, grow stronger and maintain a healthy body weight 
  • Have fun playing with friends and feel happier Learn new skills and improve their self-confidence
​Get ready to put down your TVs, video games, computers, tablets, and turn off your screens to pause for one week.  Spend your time outside, get active and PLAY!!

Monday, 23 April 2018

Plant a Tree!

At JLPS, we are celebrating Earth Day (April 22) by providing each student with
their own Pine Tree Seedling. Try to plant it as soon as possible or keep in
a cool area (up to a week). Don’t forget to take picture of you and your family
planting and share them with us.
Below is information on how you can plant and take care of your tree:
How do I plant the seedling in the earth?
With a small bladed shovel, dig a hole that is slightly larger
than the root plug. Place root plug into hole with top of plug
even with the top of the soil. Lightly place soil around plug and lightly tap with foot.
Water if soil is dry.
How do I plant the seedling in a pot?
Potted planting requires a 1 gal./3.7L pot with drainage holes.
Once the seedling has been planted in pot with soil, water thoroughly.
Continue to water thoroughly when soil is dry to the touch. Place in a protected
area outside.
What is the ideal place to plant a seedling?
A protected area is ideal. Potted seedlings should be placed in
a protected area outdoors. Whether the tree is planted in the
earth or a pot, after they have grown larger, they can be transplanted
to their ideal location.

How much water does a seedling need?
If the soil is dry the day you plant it, water thoroughly. If planting
in a pot, be sure to check it regularly and when dry to the touch, water thoroughly.

Multicultural Event

JLPS Lion King Jr. Production

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Sports Jersey Day

Dear Johnny Lombardi Families,

We are all aware of the unbelievable tragedy that occurred in Saskatchewan this past week. In support of all those who perished, who are still fighting for their lives and their families’ who are trying each day to heal, a group of self-described B.C. hockey moms are calling on people across the country to wear a sports jersey this Thursday April 12 in tribute of the families of the Humboldt Broncos bus crash victims. JLPS will be taking part by encouraging all our students and staff to join everyone across the country by wearing a sports jersey on Thursday. Any jersey will do.

From our families a sincere thank-you for your on going support.

Together we learn.
Together we succeed.
Together we are.

Thursday, 5 April 2018

School Musical Production

This year, many of our students and staff have been working very hard preparing a presentation of "Lion King Jr." Students and staff are very excited to share their hard work. 

The evening performance will take place at JLPS on Thursday May 10 & Friday May 11 starting at 6:30p.m. Seating for ticket holders will begin at 6:00p.m. 

At this time, tickets are being sold for $5.00 each. In order to stay within our fire code restrictions, it is important that everyone, including small children have a ticket. 

A note was sent home last week, please return the tear-off section and payment to secure your tickets. Cheques should be made payable to Johnny Lombardi P.S. Tickets will be sent home the week before the show. 

We hope to see you and your families!