Tuesday 7 November 2017

Winter Needs Drive

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Johnny Lombardi Cares Club is a club consisting of a group of grade six, seven and eight students who are involved in organizing and promoting events at the school level, at the local community level and at the global level. We currently are working on weaving more milk mats to be sent abroad and thank you for your support and encourage you to continue to send in empty milk bags.

For our local community project this year the Johnny Lombardi Cares Club will be working with Fun On the Run Child Care to help to coordinate a Winter Needs Drive for the 360 Kids Home Base in Richmond Hill and the Mosaic Interfaith Out Of The Cold program located in different locations throughout York Region.

360° Kids serves over 3000 youth each year from all over York region with the Richmond Hill Hub operation being the centre for youth. Their mission is to help youth overcome crisis and transition to a state of safety and stability. Their vision is that every child has access to a safe home. They offer counselling programs, employment support programs, emergency housing and transition programs (www.360kids.ca).

Mosaic Interfaith Out Of The Cold is an organization that coordinates shelters for the homeless within York Region. Out of the Cold is a coalition of over 50 interfaith communities in York Region. The Shelters are operated by 12 host communities (www.miotc.ca).

We are asking families to participate by contributing the items listed below that are associated with your child’s grade. We want to make sure that we are able to provide the range of items that are needed by these organizations. All items donated need to be new and unopened and sized for adults. Please send the items to school with your child before Friday December 1st.

The items that are being requested by grade are:

Kindergarten: - toothbrushes/ toothpaste/ lip balms

Grade 1- socks in packages (white ankle,sport socks, warm socks)

Grade 2-brushes and combs/ Instant Oatmeal Packages (Boxes of 10)

Grade 3- shampoo/conditioner (small bottles)

Grade 4-winter hats (adult size)

Grade 5- gloves/mittens (adult size)

Grade 6- On The Go Snacks (e.g., Granola Bars, Cheese and Crackers, Tuna and Crackers, Dried Fruit)

Grade 7- Quick prep canned meals (e.g., Chef Boyardee, Individual Kraft Dinner Cups, Ramen Noodles, )

Grade 8 - Canned Meat (e.g., Tuna/ Turkey) / White T-shirts (Size Large and Extra Large)

Additional items that are needed by these organizations are long thermal underwear, laundry detergent and pasta sauce. Please feel free to send in any additional items that are not specific to your child’s grade to school with your child and these will be distributed to the organizations. Each class will assemble a backpack full of these collected items and donated on behalf of the JLPS community.

With thanks in advance for your support,

The Johnny Lombardi Cares Club (Ms. Romanelli)

Fun On The Run Child Care
(Patricia Thompson)